Friday, September 17, 2010

Photo of the month debacle...

The local reef club decided to add some new forums . One of the new additions is a photography forum. One of our more generous sponsors volunteered  to give $50 gift certificate to the winner of a photo contest .

I guess some people always have to nudge, fudge or make the rules so they have a chance. It was decided for a brief time that "NO Photoshop would be allowed".

This of course roused my anger,


It aroused some  minor frustration on my part.  In a photography forum that in essence would be perused by people who know a thing or two about photography or are trying to learn as much as they can about photography,,,,why would you deny the use of Photoshop?.

And why PS specifically? Any semi-decent camera you purchase comes with a disk, That disk usually has some sort of photo editing software.

If your cell phone takes great pictures , enter them. If your point and shoot captures a great shot...enter it.

If the "reef tank of the month" on Reef Central, the largest web site dedicated to reef  hobbyist's in the world , had its admission's dictated by the kind of "lets all play fair and equal".....folks would just find ways to get around the set limitations..its human nature...common sense says setting limits  just can't be...

In a photography forum, should not the best picture win?

I made a small fuss about this, as I understand a few other folks did as well.

"We made  difference",,,,Because we bravely stood up to "the man" and his unwise dictates to us,,,


I'm not going to enter the contest,,but here is the photo I would have entered...

The monthly theme was "your favorite LPS " (large polyp stony coral)

Another picture of my Galaxia..

Not horrible,,,,but not wonderful....